Partners in Chinuch

Fortifying Future Generations

Achim Gam Yachad Initiative

Achim Gam Yachad Initiative
Enhancing Sibling Relationships through the Eternal Bond of Torah

A clearly defined structure for engaging older-younger sibling encouragement.

It is every parent’s dream. It is the nachas we strive for. To watch our children interact in harmony, unified by the powerful bond of a Torah way of life. What could be more beautiful than the age-old truth – הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחד ?

However, the world in which we raise our children is fraught with vice. Pure Yeshiva and Bais Yaakov students are confronted daily with challenges that test the very fabric of their morals and spirituality. How can we reconcile this world with the lofty goals we have for our children, the dreams of peaceful, Torah-based unity?

The Achim Gam Yachad Initiative, currently being launched in schools and homes worldwide, is answering this fundamental question.

The idea is simple…To encourage older siblings to regularly take a few minutes of their time to show interest in the Torah learning of their younger siblings.

Imagine what the Torah world would look like if each child had a role model to look up to. A brother or sister who could be relied upon to provide moral support, a kind word, or an attentive audience to their younger siblings’ Torah learning?

All it takes is commitment.

An older brother or sister committed to asking a younger sibling, “Would you like to share something you’re learning in school?” These simple words can be the catalyst for forging a genuine bond that continues the chain of mesorah.

The Achim Gam Yachad Initiative will bring this experience to Jewish children by formally presenting the program in schools, designing reinforcement and follow-up, and conducting surveys to verify the success and needs of the program.

Why should you support the Achim Gam Yachad Initiative?

  1. Provides children with the framework for building close sibling relationships based on the unbreakable bond of Torah.
  2. Cultivates leadership and social skills in the older sibling, while fostering a positive connection to Yiddishkeit in the younger sibling.
  3. Encourages positive self-image, preventing at-risk tendencies from developing into critical issues.

“It is a useful and powerful tool that somehow many of us are neglecting and not taking advantage of…”
Rav Gershon Ribner, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Nesivos HaTorah

A simple proactive idea being implemented in yeshiva high-schools to encourage older siblings to regularly take a few minutes of their time to show interest in the Torah learning of their younger siblings. Click here for more information.

  • Proactive chinuch initiative that encourages brothers’ and sisters’ involvement in the Torah learning of their younger siblings.
  • Preserves Torah connection while building listening skills and self-confidence in both siblings.
  •  All it takes is a few kind words each week for Achim Gam Yachad to create an upward trend in ruchniyus that spills over to the entire home.
  • Prepares students life.
  • Both siblings gain.

“I know this connection with my older brother had a part in making me who I am today.”